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Komodo National Park consists of three major islands of Komodo island, Rinca island and Padar island, and 26 large islands / other small. A total of 11 pieces of the mountain / hill in the Komodo National Park with the highest peak of Mount Satalibo (± 735 meters above sea level). National park land territory is 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ².

Natural state of the dry and arid makes a unique. The existence of a vast savanna plain, limited water resources and the temperature hot enough; it is the habitat preferred by ancient animal similar dragon (Varanus komodoensis).
Much of this national park is savanna with palm trees (Borassus flabellifer) the most dominant and distinctive. Some plants in the Komodo National Park include rattan (Calamus sp.), Bamboo (Bambusa sp.), Acid (Tamarindus indica), bulging (Sterculia foetida), lote (Ziziphus jujuba), and mangrove (Rhizophora sp.)

Taman Nasional Komodo In addition to typical Komodo animals, there are deer (Cervus timorensis floresiensis), wild boar (Sus scrofa), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), wild horse (Equus qaballus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis); 2 species of turtle, 10 species of dolphins , 6 types of whales and mermaids are often seen in the waters of the sea Komodo National Park
Community asked to support Indonesia as much as possible so that the Komodo National Park in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Manggarai become one of the seven wonders of the world.
With this community support for the election vote Nasioan Komodo Park became one of the seven keajaban world.

Head of Tourism and Culture NTT Kupang Gulam Husein, said that, not only citizens but all people of NTT Indonesia as a nation that has a unique world, requested support for the election of the Komodo National Park to the miracle of the world.

According to a 77 candidate Gulam wonders of the world. But that number will be selected seven of the most popular and unique in the world, as the wonders of the world.

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