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Mount Bromo is one tourist destination in East Java. Natural tourist attractions are located in Taman Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in the eastern city of Malang, East Java. The crowd was not only local tourists, even many who come from abroad. With a typical scene makes Bromo proper destination. What are the privileges of Mount Bromo?
Regular visitors visiting this area since the early days with the aim of seeing the rising sun. To see it, you have to climb Mount Pananjakan which is the highest mountain in the region. Field to go through to get to Mount Pananjakan a heavy field. To get to the foot of Mount Pananjakan, you have to go through a desert-like area that can make you get lost. We had to climb Mount Pananjakan, narrow streets and lots of tight curves necessarily require a high driving skills. For that, many visitors who choose to rent a car hardtop (jeep type) driven by the community around. Communities around the Tengger tribe comes from a friendly with the visitors.
Up above, there are many shops serving coffee or hot tea and a fire to warm while waiting for the sun tebitnya time. There are also stores that rent warm clothes. Watching the sunrise is an interesting event.
The proof, the visitors would have waited since 5 o'clock in the morning facing the east so as not to lose this moment. You were not always able to see this event, because if the cloudy sky, the appearance of the sun is not seen clearly. However, when the sky is clear, you can see the sun spots in the first place only as small as a match pins, slowly enlarge and eventually form a complete sphere and provide information so that we can see the mountains scenery in this area. Among others, Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, or Mount Sumeru which is the highest mountain in Java.

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