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Mount Bromo is one tourist destination in East Java. Natural tourist attractions are located in Taman Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in the eastern city of Malang, East Java. The crowd was not only local tourists, even many who come from abroad. With a typical scene makes Bromo proper destination. What are the privileges of Mount Bromo?
Regular visitors visiting this area since the early days with the aim of seeing the rising sun. To see it, you have to climb Mount Pananjakan which is the highest mountain in the region. Field to go through to get to Mount Pananjakan a heavy field. To get to the foot of Mount Pananjakan, you have to go through a desert-like area that can make you get lost. We had to climb Mount Pananjakan, narrow streets and lots of tight curves necessarily require a high driving skills. For that, many visitors who choose to rent a car hardtop (jeep type) driven by the community around. Communities around the Tengger tribe comes from a friendly with the visitors.
Up above, there are many shops serving coffee or hot tea and a fire to warm while waiting for the sun tebitnya time. There are also stores that rent warm clothes. Watching the sunrise is an interesting event.
The proof, the visitors would have waited since 5 o'clock in the morning facing the east so as not to lose this moment. You were not always able to see this event, because if the cloudy sky, the appearance of the sun is not seen clearly. However, when the sky is clear, you can see the sun spots in the first place only as small as a match pins, slowly enlarge and eventually form a complete sphere and provide information so that we can see the mountains scenery in this area. Among others, Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, or Mount Sumeru which is the highest mountain in Java.


Fame name Kuta beach Bali is a product that can be sold to tourists both national and foreign. But you know, on the island of Lombok West Nusa Tenggara there Segara Kuta Beach is not lose the beauty of Kuta beach Bali.
To reach the Sea coast, located in Central Lombok regency, the trip can be taken by land for about an hour from the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara provincial capital
The beach is visible blue green roof ditepikan white sand interspersed with blue sky and white clouds made it quite beautiful beaches to enjoy. Besides still lonely, this beach when I visited there was only 1 foreign tourists who were learning to surf. For the entrance to the beach is pretty good, paved road with a left-right arrangement of street landscape planted with palm tree king. This arrangement seems a consequence Novotel hotel which is located not far from the beach with a natural style of the building.
Lonely visitors to this place probably is not out of lack of promotion. In addition, the Bali bomb blast as a sign of death surinya world tourism. But striking is the management of inadequate infrastructure to reach the shore. Perhaps if the situation was gradually recovered, local government will manage it better to make this beach the more neat and beautiful.
Many tourist attractions can be visited before arriving at the beach, among other indigenous Sasak village of Sade village. Villages which have more than 400 years still presents keasrian tempo first. Traditional houses thatched roof "damen (Java)". A floor that is still routinely plastered with buffalo dung, which is believed able to drive out evil spirits did not kidnap the girl child.
Besides Sade village, we can visit a special village made / special weaving their tribe. Unfortunately due to the limited time I step, this village did not have time I visit, hoping another time was given the opportunity to visit the island of Lombok again.


Kuta beach is a tourist place located south of Denpasar, capital city of Bali, Indonesia. This area is a tourist destination abroad, and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 70's. Kuta Beach is often referred to as sunset beach (sunset beach) as opposed to the Sanur beach.
In Kuta there are many shops, restaurants and washing and drying herself. Besides the beauty of the beach, Kuta beach also offers various other types of entertainment such as bars and restaurants along the coast to the Legian beach. Rosovivo, Ocean Beach Club, Kamasutra, are some of the most crowded clubs along Kuta Beach.
This beach also has a pretty good waves for surfing sports (surfing), especially for novice surfers. The air field I Gusti Ngurah Rai is situated not far from Kuta.


Many theories attempt to explain the name of this temple. One of them states that the name is probably derived from the word Sambharabhudhara, which means "mountain" (bhudara) where the slopes are located terraces. In addition there are some other popular etymology. Suppose borobudur word comes from the word "the Buddha" is because the sound becomes borobudur shift. Another explanation is that the name comes from two words "coal" and "beduhur". Said coal said to have originated from the monastery, while there is also another explanation in which the coal comes from Sanskrit which means temple or monastery complex and beduhur meaning is "high", or to remind the Balinese language means "above". So the intention is a monastery or hostel located in the high ground.
Historian JG de Casparis in his dissertation for a doctorate in 1950 argued that Borobudur is a place of worship. Based on the inscriptions and Kahulunan Karangtengah, Casparis estimates, founder of the Borobudur is the king of the dynasty named Samaratungga Syailendra around 824 AD. The giant new buildings can be completed at the time of her daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. Development of Borobudur estimated half-century time-consuming.


Komodo National Park consists of three major islands of Komodo island, Rinca island and Padar island, and 26 large islands / other small. A total of 11 pieces of the mountain / hill in the Komodo National Park with the highest peak of Mount Satalibo (± 735 meters above sea level). National park land territory is 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ².

Natural state of the dry and arid makes a unique. The existence of a vast savanna plain, limited water resources and the temperature hot enough; it is the habitat preferred by ancient animal similar dragon (Varanus komodoensis).
Much of this national park is savanna with palm trees (Borassus flabellifer) the most dominant and distinctive. Some plants in the Komodo National Park include rattan (Calamus sp.), Bamboo (Bambusa sp.), Acid (Tamarindus indica), bulging (Sterculia foetida), lote (Ziziphus jujuba), and mangrove (Rhizophora sp.)

Taman Nasional Komodo In addition to typical Komodo animals, there are deer (Cervus timorensis floresiensis), wild boar (Sus scrofa), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), wild horse (Equus qaballus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis); 2 species of turtle, 10 species of dolphins , 6 types of whales and mermaids are often seen in the waters of the sea Komodo National Park
Community asked to support Indonesia as much as possible so that the Komodo National Park in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Manggarai become one of the seven wonders of the world.
With this community support for the election vote Nasioan Komodo Park became one of the seven keajaban world.

Head of Tourism and Culture NTT Kupang Gulam Husein, said that, not only citizens but all people of NTT Indonesia as a nation that has a unique world, requested support for the election of the Komodo National Park to the miracle of the world.

According to a 77 candidate Gulam wonders of the world. But that number will be selected seven of the most popular and unique in the world, as the wonders of the world.

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